My Swazi Kids

Leyton traveled back to Swaziland this past week and was able to check in on “my Swazi kids”, the beautiful little brother and sister who invaded my heart on my last visit.  It blessed my heart to hear they are being bathed regularly and now have clean, warm clothes.  And were beaming with smiles!  (and looking just that little bit cheeky!)      


It has taken me a while to get this blog post out. I have been wrestling with the best way to do justice to telling the stories of the people I met, the experiences we had and the ways in which God showed up in unexpected ways that were even more magnificent than anything I could have even imagined. For those of you who are unaware, Swaziland is a small country, entirely landlocked/surrounded by South Africa. It has a fairly small population; however it has the highest HIV prevalence rate in the whole world – 26% of the population. From