Do you ever have those moments when you wake up, and for a fleeting moment you are not sure where you are, what day it is, and what the day ahead holds? I found myself feeling that way last Saturday morning when I woke up in a strange and unfamiliar room (again) and took a few moments to remember we had travelled to the Congo the day before, and would be there for just two nights to celebrate one of our amazing African leaders and dear friend’s wedding. My first African wedding and a Congolese one at that! But more
Author: Mel
Me, myself and I
We live in such a culture of ’SELF’ in the developed world. I know firsthand, I have grown up in it. From the time we enter the world, as children unable to understand or comprehend the world around us, we are bombarded with messages from society, media and culture to look out for number one, to do everything you can to help yourself move forward even at the expense of others, a very individualistic mentality of me and I, with phrases like if I can just get this, and if I can just do that, and if I… you get
Returning to the Warm Heart of Africa
There really is something quite special about the first African country you spend a significant amount of time in. Fresh off the back of arriving in South Africa last year and completing 5 weeks of orientation, I was sent out with one other volunteer to live in Malawi for a month. We had no work agenda for our time there. Our purpose was to build relationships with our local office team, walk in the communities and really just to observe and learn; to talk little and listen much. To understand the challenges our team, the communities and our children face
Changing the world one spreadsheet at a time
The old saying is, “time flies when your having fun”, right? 🙂 As I look at the calendar it’s hard to believe I have already been in Zambia for over 2 months! I don’t know where this year is going. Now that I have settled into Zambian life and my new role, I thought it time to give a bit of an insight into my daily role and life in Zambia. The community here in Zambia, is much smaller than the community we have in South Africa, meaning I find myself day by day getting involved in more and more
Scars – hurt or hope?
Growing up in the Australian sun with very fair English-type skin I have my fair share of freckles and moles of which I had 3 potentially dangerous ones removed. As a result I have scars. A visible reminder that I need to be careful when I go out in the sun, I need to cover up, I need to wear my sunscreen. These scars are visible reminders. But I also have inner scars from wounds less physical, from times I have experienced situations I don’t understand, from hurts from broken down relationships, for times when I have felt betrayed, abandoned,