24 days until take-off! Reflecting on a season of endings and beginnings…
ENDING work in 6 more days and the reality of no longer receiving a regular monthly income
Saying goodbye to beloved family and great friends, the END of being able to catch up over a coffee in the same room, share a meal, go on an adventure
The scurry and bustle of final catch ups / hang outs / and squeezing in all the things you have been meaning to do for years but now there is a very limited time frame/END in which to achieve them all
The END of living life the way I have always known it, in the comforts of the wonderful country that is Australia, with access to unlimited resources and endless opportunities
To new BEGININGS and discovery of life and culture in a continent far removed from my experiences in life to date
The BEGINNING of learning new things. From the environment and people around me. My number one aim these next two years is to be open, teachable and to learn as much as I can
The BEGINNING of new friendships and relationships as I build relationship with the Hands at Work team and the wonderful African people I will have the privilege to meet and do life alongside
The BEGINNING of the biggest adventure of my life thus far!
For now the tension remains: of enjoying and making the most of every moment and opportunity in my remaining 3 weeks in Sydney…whilst longing to just dive in and get started on this next adventure. Its exciting and terrifying at the same time (and the prospect of packing my life into 2 x 23kg bags is completely overwhelming!) However I realise I am totally blessed to be able to pursue this desire of my heart…